The Nitty Gritty of the Most Demanding Morganite Gem

Morganite gemstone is the talk of the town and the buyers are in intense search of this beautiful pink beryl stone today. Morganite was named to honor the popular financialist and gem enthusiast J.P Morgan. The name was proposed at a meeting in New York by the chief gemologist of Tiffany, George Kunz in the early 20th century.

The color of this marvelous gemstone ranges from pink to orange pink.

Why Morganite has the pink color scheme?

Manganese is its coloring element. The traces of manganese is the cause of its pink color. Morganite ranges from pink to orange-pink in color. And, salmon pink is the most demanding. Untreated morganite has a strong orange color component which paints this gemstone to salmon color.

Morganite is mined from the solidified magnum released fluids known as pegmatites. Like ample of gems formed by pegmatites, morganite can form large crystals as large as 20lbs i.e 10 kilograms. Seriously! Morganite crystals can be this big? However, this gemstone is found rare compared to its cousins emerald and aquamarine as it’s not promoted to a great scale in the jewelry industry.

Where Can Morganite be found?

Morganite gems can be found in countries like Brazil, Nambia, Mozambique, Afghanistan, Minas Gerais and other parts of US. Though Madascagar has a minor production, the raw gem sets the best material standard.

Physical Properties of Morganite 

Wrapping Up

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